• Arch. Christian Karlsson

    Guest Speaker, Karlsson Architects, Denmark

    Arch. Christian Karlsson

    Guest Speaker, Karlsson Architects, Denmark



    Architect maa/Partner Karlsson Architects, Denmark


    „Psychiatric hospital in Slagelse, Denmark”

    The new psychiatric hospital in Slagelse is a result of a 2-phase competition, won by Karlsson Architects / VLA and embodies the largest and most ambitious psychiatry construction in Denmark in more than 100 years.

    With the total area of 44,000 m2, the building consists of general psychiatric, forensic and high security wards, outpatient clinic, emergency reception, training facilities, swimming pool and a center for research and education.

    The bearing ideas of the project include the principles of recovery and healing architecture, transparency and proximity between people and functions, universality, flexibility and hierarchy of space and stimuli.

    The building is organized and designed in an informal and open way, around eventful unity of spaces and inner courtyards-gardens. The separate sections of the hospital are joined through common facilities for treatments, activities, training, cooking and outdoor spaces, supporting the innovative organization of the future psychiatrics.

    The synergy and knowledge sharing between the staff is accommodated through open activity based work spaces designed for the specialists working across treatment, research and education.
    The project is a result of a fruitful collaboration between the architects, psychiatry specialists and patient groups through the many user involvement workshops held during the designing process. Thanks to that the state of the art Danish psychiatry principles have been successfully translated into architecture that is supportive, warm and welcoming with each single patient in the focus.

    As the client has said – ‘The new psychiatric hospital in Slagelse is the lighthouse of the future psychiatry on an international plane’.


    Establishes Karlsson Arkitekter
    In charge of amongst others New psychiatric Hospital I Slagelse (lead consultant), New Psychiatric Hospital in Vejle DK (OPP consultant), Domicile for The ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs (lead consultant)

    Head of The Danish for Building and Property Agency (SES) with the responsibility for the development and maintenance of the state’s properties and castles.

    Architect and Associated Partner in KHR Architects, in charge of amongst other,
    Project for new Metro stations København/Frederiksberg, Flintholm metro station and University of Odense

    External associated Professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
    Member of the Danish Society of Artists
    National appointed Judge of Architectural Competitions

    International Architectual awards :
    Architectual Review Award 2016 (Health Buildings)
    WAF Award 2016 / Finalist
    WAN Award / Finalist

    National architectural Awards
    The Construction Client Award 2016
    The Danish Architecture Award Farveprisen 2016
    Goldlabel Danish Green Building Counsil 2016
    The Danish Light Prize 2016 / Finalist
    The Danish Architecture Award Tyndpladeprisen 2009


    International Architectual awards :

    Architectual Review Award 2016 (Health Buildings)
    WAF Award 2016 / Finalist
    WAN Award / Finalist

    National architectural Awards :

    The Construction Client Award 2016
    The Danish Architecture Award Farveprisen 2016
    Goldlabel Danish Green Building Counsil 2016
    The Danish Lighting Award 2016 / Finalist
    The Danish Architecture Award Tyndpladeprisen 2009


    All sessions by Arch. Christian Karlsson

    Psychiatric hospital in Slagelse

    22 Mar 2017
    11:50 - 12:20
    Grand D