• Testimoniale 2016

    ARCH. Șerban Țigănaș

    Președinte Ordinul Arhitecților din România, Chairman GIS București 2016

    Arhitectura de interior a fost despărțită la GIS în teme și ingrediente principale, discutate în instanțe diferite. Nu au lipsit nici bucuriile și nici pericolele pe care spațiul construit le poate oferi. S-a discutat și dezbătut despre siguranța în caz de incendiu, despre calitatea aerului din interiorul construcțiilor, despre lumină și iluminat, ambianțe sonore, materie și materiale, sisteme, obiecte și amenajări. Am mai constatat că marii maeștri sunt în continuare printre noi, că lecțiile lui Alvar Aalto sau Louis Kahn sunt continuate de Rainer Mahlamaki sau Colin Ball. La finalul conferinței am simțit cu toții că arhitectura de interior e cea mai aproape de oameni și cea mai supusă dinamicii aspirațiilor acestora. Invitații care și-au adus contribuția au demonstrat că în spatele lucrărilor de mare calitate au stat întodeauna oameni deosebiți.

    Cele două zile pline de conferință și evenimente colaterale ne-au pus pe toți cei care am participat în situația de a opta pentru a asculta sau întâlni vorbitorii, prietenii și invitații. Nu putem fi în mai multe locuri deodată, chiar dacă am dori acest lucru. Arhitectura de interior a fost despărțită în teme și ingrediente principale, discutate în instanțe diferite. Nu au lipsit nici bucuriile și nici pericolele pe care spațiul construit le poate oferi. S-a discutat și dezbătut despre siguranța în caz de incendiu, despre calitatea aerului din interiorul construcțiilor, despre lumină și iluminat, ambianțe sonore, materie și materiale, sisteme, obiecte și amenajări. Ceea ce cred că a rezultat din suprapunerea ideilor aduse de vorbitori, moderatori și paneliști este faptul că arhitectura de interior nu poate fi total separată de arhitectură, cu care se întâlnește și din care face parte. Arhitectura de interior nu e niciodată singură. Am mai constatat că marii maeștri sunt în continuare printre noi, că lecțiile lui Alvar Aalto sau Louis Kahn sunt continuate de Rainer Mahlamaki sau Colin Ball. Am admirat arhitectura haptică, făcută pentru a fi atinsă. Am aflat că un spital trebuie să fie ospitalier, adică orientat spre pacient nu doar din punct de vedere al tehnicilor actului medical, dar mai ales către starea pe care acesta o trăiește. Am aflat că birourile pentru mari firme de IT sunt făcute atât pentru oameni cât și pentru prietenii lor, animalele de companie. În continuarea celebrelor citate legate de formă, form follows function, form follows force, am aflat că lumina urmează mobilierul, light follows furniture, o pledoarie pentru flexibilitate în locurile pentru oameni. Am discutat despre standarde pentru construcții, atât de necesare, dar din păcate mereu depășite de ceea ce ar trebui să fie concepția arhitecturii, anume o sinteză care să pornească de la și să ajungă înapoi la scopul final al construirii, care sunt oamenii și aspirațiile lor nestandardizabile. Tehnologiile sunt mijloace și nu scop în sine, iar necesitatea de a le folosi ar trebui să fie o opțiune întodeauna dublată de alte moduri de a face lucrurile să funcționeze. A mai fost expoziția și premiile pentru arhitectură de interior, la prima ediție, o manifestare care sunt convins că va crește. Premiul publicului a coincis cu premiul juriului, ceea ce însemnă că publicul, format din persoane conectate domeniului, a simțit la fel cu membri juriului internațional, oameni venind din mai multe direcții din lume. E un semn bun pentru puterea și relevanța arhitecturii de interior. La final cred că am simțit cu toții că arhitectura de interior e cea mai aproape de oameni și cea mai supusă dinamicii aspirațiilor acestora. Asta însemnă mult experiment, multă încercare și chiar joc, dar un joc foarte serios și responsabil, în care nu există limite și stagnare. Invitații care și-au adus contribuția au demonstrat că în spatele lucrărilor de mare calitate au stat întodeauna oameni deosebiți.

    Rainer Mahlamäki

    Professor, Architect M.Sc., Architects Lahdelma & Mahlamäki, Special Guest GIS Bucharest 2016 edition

    I have a great pleasure to meet my dear Romanian colleagues. For me this it is the very first time to be in Bucharest. My speech will cover architecture generally but especially interiors and how traditional and touchable materials create the atmosphere. I come from Finland, from a northern country that is known of its reputation of Alvar Aalto, of Nordic functionalism and of pure, mythic nature. I will concentrate especially on the buildings and interiors which are dominated by materials like the Finnish Nature Centre, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, the Finnish Nature Centre and the Embassy of Finland to Japan among the others. I hope my message will reach my listener to think how much we architects could still learn about the tradition of natural materials – and more widely: understanding and honoring of the tradition creates the base for the creative and innovative architecture.

    Arch. Hagy Belzberg Faia

    Principal Hagy Belzberg Architects, U.S., Special Guest GIS International Expo Conference 2015

    The series of GIS events was extraordinary, with an incredible number of very very interesting people, architects, interior designers. The event has allowed me to meet new people and has offered me the opportunity to meet people that I normally wouldn’t have had the chance to meet and network with, this is what I think it is really important. In Los Angeles we have a really rare opportunity to do this and as it is so far away, allowing me to come to this was absolutely extraordinary, this is something I wouldn’t have been able to do without the organization of PRO Event Association, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest. I found the event to be fantastic and since my return to Los Angeles I have been telling everybody about it and I really recommend to other architects from the United States of America to participate in the future events you will be organizing.

    Arch. Fokke Moerel

    Project Manager MVRDV, The Netherlands, Keynote Speaker GIS International Expo Conference 2015

    It is always great when a lot of people from different countries meet, GIS gave us the great opportunity to have inside-outside debates & presentations. It is always nice to meet people and I am glad I have participated at this expo conference.

    Arch. Zeynep Esra Akten

    Design Coordinator at AUTOBAN, Turkey, Speaker GIS International Expo Conference 2015

    It was great that I was part of this great influential and inspirational talks, the most exciting part was that there were designers all over the world and what was really nice is that, whatever the country was they were coming from, they all came to a single conclusion. I once more came to the idea that design is an international language and I am very hopeful about the future now.

    Prof. Dr. Arh. Marius Marcu Lapadat

    Dean, Faculty of Interior Architecture, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest

    GIS is absolutely one of the most important expo conference in Romania for the branch of architects, through the quality of the speakers and having in consideration the environment in which the event takes place. It is a great opportunity to make new contacts, to share ideas, to have contact with personalities that are to the top of the pyramid of success, at present, in the world architecture.

    Arch. Diogo Aguiar

    Founder LIKE Architects, Portugal

    It was very stimulating to engage with other architects and to learn what they have been doing, I think this type of events enhance possible future collaborations between the different studios, generating global multifunctional teams.

    Arch. Cristian Santandreu Utermark

    Founder Architect at A2arquitectos, Spain

    This event is a fantastic experience beause it’s a very good congress to meet a lot of people, a lot of architects, interior designers and connect entreprises. It is fantastic to know that the point of architecture is here in Romania and in a lot of countries.

    Arch. Antonio Virga

    Founder Antonio Virga Architecte, France

    It’s the first time when I’m invited to a conference and it is very interesting for me to talk about my projects, outside of my country, that is France. I don’t know if exists the same type of conference in France so it is very interesting to meet people from other countries and talk about our passion and that is architecture.

    Arch. Ian Macready

    Founding director VW+BS, London, Great Britain

    It’s bean great to be here, in Bucharest, It’s a hole new crowd for us, we’ve never done any work in Romania and it’s good to meet different architects, and of course then it’s great to meet with other European colleagues and from USA, who’ve been here as well and to exchange opinions and views with them.

    Colin Lovering

    Commercial Director, COS

    I think it’s very important that we were able to gather a lot of talented young architects here in one place, because if you look to the future, they are the future. Architecture is changing quite dramatically so to speak to somebody who’s an architect from 20 year ago to an architect from today is two completely concepts and ideas. So for me that’s one of the main reasons for wanting to be here today is to touch base with those young people.

    Arch. Francesco Isidori

    Founder Labics, Italy

    I think it’s quite interesting. I’ve participate to good discussions and I really look forward to see the other presentations. Again, I think it’s very interesting and well organized.

    Arch. Monica Lotreanu

    editor-in-chief for the magazine “Arhitectura”, Romania

    As usual, it was a well-organized event, with a high number of participants, and for these days to gather such a high number of architects it’s not easy at all. I have participated as the editor-in-chief at the Arhitectura magazine, which was the main media partner of the event and we are especially honored of this partnership. We are thrilled that our new number, the first magazine of 2015 has being released at GIS. It is the first time anyone can see it.
    I am really impressed with the presentations that were in the program, especially with Hagy Belzberg’s presentation and Master Class, and, as usual Serban Sturdza’s presentation was a real source of inspiration for me, well visually presented and with very deep meanings.

    Bogdan Bălan


    Despite of the bad weather, the event succeeded in engaging the audience and as well, we, Saint-Goban Rigips, were happy to collaborate with the invited architects.

    Eng. Veronica Sterian

    Managing Coordinator of the Technical Department for Refrigeration Design, DAAS International Group, Romania

    We would like to thank you for the invitation and for the support during the organization of the GIS&CONTRACTOR events.
    Not only I enjoyed the organization of the event, but also the guests and the topics discussed.
    As an experienced engineer in the domain of heating and refrigeration, I participated at CONTRACTOR conferences.
    However, I regret not being able to participate also at the architect’s presentations, which were held concomitantly and which topics represented as well an interest for my professional career.

    Demetrius Tanase

    Industrial designer, Electromagnetica, Romania

    I find this event really interesting, a lot of designers are present and I think it is really impressive that this conference promotes also architectural designers. There should be invited even more designers, because we are a common area of expertise, and more product designers as well. From what I have seen, I am the only speaker who is a product designer, there aren’t others, and this as a sponsor to promote electromagnetics. I would like all the artists from this area (architects, interior designers, even product designers) to be invited to GIS conference, not only architects. This is for the first time I have attended this conference, because last year, a colleague of mine participated.

    Arch. Andrei Lefter

    Lef Proiect, Romania

    It’s an auspicious event, a very important event for architects, a way of acknowledging the nowadays market, but also the projects and the complexity this job has to offer.

    Eng. Alexandra Stoica

    Executive Director, DAS ENGINEERING GRUP, Romania

    I would like to thank Abplus Events for the way they organized this conference. I had the pleasure and joy to discover that we develop from year to year. Besides the practical presentation of installations, this year we could also see presentations on the certification of green systems, innovative solutions from equipment suppliers, innovative Daikin solutions for increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption, beautiful projects as Enzo Ferrari.
    Overall I must say that I have the confidence that we grow from year to year, which is pleasing and appropriate for this type of conferences.

    Arch. Marius Miclaus

    ARCHAEUS, Romania

    First of all, I am pleasant surprised of the organization, the event is well prepared. I consider this conference a success even from the first day due to the netting of architectural and ambiental presentations, interior design and sponsors’ presentations. I believe that this type of partnership can work.

    Arch. Andrada Bucur

    AB Creative Studio, Brasov, Romania

    First of all, thank you for the invitation. In my view, the event was well thought out and put together, all the architects were accurately grateful and I think it is an important chance to make relationships between other people from this area.

    Dr. Eng. Catalin Popovici

    General Manager, CLIMA THERM CENTER, Romania

    As usual, first of all, congratulations! In one’s capacity as a resident of Iasi, I am proud that someone from my city was able to gather the whole country in the same place and I am looking forward to the whole Europe.
    It is a moment when we find high-quality presentations of solutions, of installations, what we know to do best. And as my colleagues say: „We learn. We innovate. We practice”, because ultimately this is the purpose of these meetings; to signify our opinions, to embrace new solutions and ideas.
    I will always be present here, with pleasure, and I hope with professionalism, so we can all have a saying in this whole assembly.

    Arch. Vladimir Mândru

    Founder of YELLOW OFFICE, Romania

    It was a really good event, with a lot of interesting people and high-quality conferences. I hope we will meet again next year.

    Arch. Adrian Cancer

    Founder of Square One Studio, Romania

    I am honored to participate at this conference. It is really impressive and well organized. Until now, I’ve heard interesting facts and I am looking forward to seeing what the other speakers have to say. It’s extraordinary and I wish there would be more events like this for us to have the chance to meet more often.

    Engr. Dan Costea

    Technical advisor in the Windows Solution Department –Rehau Polymer, Romania

    First of all, we thank you for the organization and I consider this event beneficial. I represent the firms in the domain of windows, door, PVC profiles and I believe it’s a chance for us to crisscross with architects, designers, whom I believe we all need in the area of constructions. Otherwise, I can only wish you good luck and revival of the construction industry.